This year, I took some time out from working at the incognito offices to spend seven months volunteering with refugees in Greece, and while there I discovered "Khora", a co-operative foundation, that offers ongoing compassionate support for refugees in Athens.
One of the projects Khora runs is a Free Shop which provides a dignified shopping experience for refugees, asylum seekers, and others in need in Athens. They stock everything from clothing and shoes, essential toiletries and blankets.
They are always in need of donations, and I felt incognito products would be a perfect addition to the store, as many refugees are unable to afford basics like deodorant and hair and body wash. Knowing that incognito donates 10% of its profits to charitable initiatives, I put forward my suggestion!
The incognito wash & body care range isn’t just for repelling insects. It can be used on a daily basis just like your typical wash products - the moisturiser, loofah, soap-bar, and hair & bodywash are all great for cleansing and moisturising skin. Of course, in Greece, the anti-mosquito properties were an added benefit! incognito were delighted to be able to help, and arranged for over two and a half thousand products to be sent to the Khora Free Shop.
After the products had been delivered, I started to see Athens awash with incognito repellents and toiletries everywhere I went! incognito was being used at the camp I was teaching in, Khora’s community Centre, and the homes and bathrooms of my friends. A student of mine particularly liked the spray, as he had suffered terribly from insect bites before using it. The smell of incognito insects sticks now remind me of sitting in Athens’ balconies on warm summer evenings.
If you want to help Khora Free Shop, they currently need male winter adult shoes. If you can donate some or help with getting them to Athens please contact Khora Free Shop
Written by: Guin Carter
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