Anti-Slavery Policy

Anti-slavery policy

Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights, according to the UK government's definition on its website at It can take many different forms, such as slavery, servitude, forced labour, and human trafficking, but they all include the restriction of liberty for someone else's benefit, whether it be personal or commercial. We have a zero-tolerance policy against modern slavery and are committed to operating morally and honourably in all our commercial and personal connections. We will put in place efficient processes and controls to make sure that modern slavery doesn't exist anywhere within our own company or any of our supply chains. 

Anti-slavery standards

In accordance with our disclosure responsibilities under the Modern Slavery Act 2015, Howad Ltd is dedicated to maintaining transparency in our own operations and in our approach to addressing modern slavery throughout our supplier chains. Howad Ltd holds all of its suppliers, contractors, and other business partners to the same high standards, and as part of our contracting procedures, we specifically forbid the use of forced, compulsorily, or trafficked labour or the enslavement or servitude of any person.


It is the duty of management at all levels to ensure that those under their control are aware of this policy, comply with it, and receive proper and ongoing training on the subject of modern slavery in supply chains. Everyone who works for Howad Ltd is welcome to offer feedback on this policy and suggestions on how it could be made better. Please direct any comments, questions, or ideas to the operations manager.

All Howad Ltd employees are required to ensure that they have reviewed, understood, and complied with this policy.

All individuals working for or under the authority of Howad Ltd are responsible for refraining from any action that could result in or imply a breach of this policy. Any alleged breaches of this policy must be reported by every staff member. If an employee has reason to believe that this policy has been breached, is now being breached or may be breached in the future, they must report it as quickly as possible to the operations manager.

Any issue or suspicion of modern slavery in any area of our business or supply chains should be brought up as soon as feasible by employees of Howad Ltd.

Employees are required to notify your manager as soon as possible if they believe or suspect that breaches of this policy have occurred or that they may occur. The organization may provide support and direction to our suppliers where appropriate, to treat the welfare and safety of local workers as a priority. Employees should speak with their manager if they have any questions about whether a specific act, how workers are treated generally, or their working circumstances within any tier of our supply chains constitute any form of modern slavery.

Protected reporting

Howad Ltd seeks to promote openness and will assist anyone who raises sincere concerns in accordance with this policy, even if they are later proven to be incorrect. Howad Ltd is dedicated to making sure that no one experiences unfavourable treatment as a result of reporting a complaint. Dismissal, reprimands, threats, or other negative treatment because of raising a concern is considered detrimental treatment. Employees should notify the operations manager right away if they suspect they have received such treatment. An employee should formally raise the issue using our Grievance Procedure which may be found in your contract, if the situation is not resolved.

Training and communication

All new employees of Howad Ltd get training on this policy and the risk modern slavery poses to our firm in its supply chains as part of the induction process, and further training will be offered as appropriate.

Modern slavery in our business and supply chains must be addressed, and Howad Ltd's zero-tolerance policy towards it must be stated at the commencement of Howad Ltd's commercial engagement with them, and reiterated as necessary on an ongoing basis.

Breaches of this policy

Any employee who breaches this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include gross misconduct or termination for misconduct. If other people or organisations operating on our behalf breach this policy, Howad Ltd has the right to end their contractual relationships with them.