With Christmas fast approaching, if you have any family members or friends who are set to travel abroad in 2020, whether as part of their gap year or on a tropical holiday, the best gifts to give are ones that they can make constant use of whilst travelling, such as the best midge repellent.
Whilst hot weather can be enjoyable, high temperatures are liable to attract a plethora of insects; disease-carrying mosquitoes being as prevalent as midges and flies in such climates. So to prevent any undue worries about insect bites, insect repellents (which can be combined with suncream) are an important part of any tropical traveller’s bag.
Here, we’re going to look at why having the best defence against insects is important.
The Importance of Having The Best Midge Repellent
You don’t have to travel too far to experience the irritability that midges provide – as anyone who has walked in the Cornwall, North Wales the Lake District and especially, in the Scottish Highlands, can attest to!
Much smaller than mosquitoes, a midge’s bite is more of an ‘annoyance’ than painful – unless you suffer from a severe reaction to insect bites. Midges travel in swarms and are most likely to be around at dawn and dusk – especially if the weather is humid. They cannot keep pace with you if you’re on the move, so if you encounter a midge swarm, keep on moving!
If the weather is humid (cloudy, damp and with no wind) and there are worries about encountering midges on your travels, using the best midge repellent will provide a barrier against any swarms from bothering you. Washing with insect repellent soap is a great way to keep clean and reduce your attractiveness to insects as they buzz around.
How Travellers Protect Themselves From Mosquitoes
Another great method of avoiding those annoying midges includes using netting. Long-distance walkers often use a hat with netting that prevents any bugs from flying into their face, whilst pop-up mosquito nets for sleeping bags are particularly adept at keeping insects away whilst you’re sleeping.
If you, a family member or friend is travelling to any subtropical countries soon, it’s important to be aware of the effects that disease-carrying mosquitoes have. Whilst mosquitoes that originate in the UK are relatively harmless, being bitten by one whilst abroad (without sufficient protection) could lead to the contraction of diseases such as malaria, zika or yellow fever.
The first port of call for information on whether travellers need any inoculations should be the UK government’s travel advice website. Here, they list the health risks of each country and whether you will need treatment before you travel. If you’re unsure, always go and see your GP for advice.
A general method that seasoned travellers use to avoid suffering from mosquito bites, is C.L.O.A.K. In areas that are swarmed by mosquitoes and other insects, you should COVER your arms and legs with suitable LIGHT-coloured clothing. Any ODOURS (bodily or otherwise) should be kept to a minimum as they can attract attention from insects (you should always APPLY the best insect repellent on any exposed skin). Finally, you should always KEEP away from stagnant water as these areas provide a breeding ground for insects.
If you’re seeking out the best midge repellent, mosquito protection or sleeping bag netting for yourself or a family member who may be off travelling in the New Year, why not go incognito?
incognito® , Natural Protection Against Insects
Here at incognito®, we are purveyors of 100% natural, insect repellent products that are as effective as other available synthetic products.
Aside from being an effective shield against midges, sandflies, horseflies and ticks (and many more insects), our award-winning insect repellent has been clinically tested to provide 100% protection against zika and dengue-carrying mosquitoes, as well as malaria-carrying mosquitoes for up to four hours.
Other benefits of our insect repellent include:
- Its active ingredient (PMD) is recommended by Public Health England and the NHS.
- It is DEET-free and free from synthetics.
- It is non-greasy and easy to apply
- Lightweight; a bottle can easily fit in aeroplane hand luggage or a bag for when you’re on the move.
- It is registered with the Vegan Society – not tested on animals.
Please feel free to browse our range of insect repellents to learn more about their benefits – you will find a plethora of information on each product page, as well as reviews from customers.
Interested In Learning More About Our Insect Repellent Products?
If you have any further questions to ask about selecting the best midge repellent from our range, our dedicated sales team are on hand to help. You can contact them by calling 020 7792 8687 or by sending an e-mail to info@lessmosquito.com.
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