The incognito Blog

Oct 11, 2010
If you are lucky enough to be going away to somewhere hot in the next few months, there will invariably be mosquitoes and other insects present that feed off our blood.  There is no need to worry about them provided you C.L.O.A.K! C – Cover yourself as much as local conditions necessitate with incognito spray. L – Light coloured clothing should be worn at all times, as mosquitoes prefer darker colours and can easily “hide” on black. O – Odors from the body are strong attractants to insects and are known as kairomones. Wash thoroughly to lessen body odor before going out. To be squeaky clean you will need to exfoliate with a loofah – which is why incognito created a loofah soap. A – Avoid wearing perfumes and scent, as they can attract even more mosquitoes to you and you are attractive enough as it is! K – Keep away from stagnant water; this is where mosquitoes and other insects reproduce so there are nearly always mosquitoes present. If you follow the above advice it is highly unlikely that you will get bitten
Aug 23, 2010
With ever increasing hordes of wasps around this Summer (30,000 stings alone in July!) I thought I’d share my experience of dealing with these problematic creatures. Recently I’ve read a lot about how some people like to place a jar of water and sugar in a corner of their garden to distract a wasps from … Continue reading "Wasps"
Jul 25, 2010
incognito was mainly started as a response to climate change, it also helped that I had been a casualty by contracting malaria and dengue fever whilst taking anti-malarial tablets and DEET – as you may have heard in the news recently, I’m not the only one!
Jul 12, 2010
Alive and well having survived malaria followed by dengue fever! I first went to India at the end of 1997 I was a bit nervous of catching malaria or other diseases, so I went along to Trailfinders Travel clinic in Kensington High Street and the doctor recommended I take a malaria prophylactic as well as all the usual shots like typhoid and so she prescribed paludrine and avloclor which I had to start taking the week before I left. Although I had a few stomach pains they were not too bad compared to many of the stories I’d heard and read about anti-malarials. So off I went to India feeling pretty safe and secure. This soon changed after getting Delhi belly in Mumbai. So after a week in Goa for Christmas I travelled by train to Cochin, Kerela, for New Year – a low risk malarial area at a low risk time of year. I was using a Deet-based repellent that had been recommended to me by Boots in the UK.  Needless to say, I still got bitten; mosquitoes have built up resistance to many pesticides such as Deet and it no longer affords 100% protection, if it ever did. Also, over dinner on New Year’s Day, sitting outside with my partner in the humid tropical evening, she motioned me to look down, my shirt was in shreds and I was looking like the incredible Hulk –only without his physique- the Deet had dissolved most of my top!
Jun 29, 2010
The best-selling incognito spray has now been reformulated to create one of the strongest anti-insect sprays on the planet! Indeed, this new formulation is as effective as the most deadly toxic insecticide, yet completely natural. Officially launched at BBC Gardeners world LIVE last week at the NEC, the show stock sold out within the first 2 days so extra supplies were rushed from the factory to meet demand. Dragons’ Den filmed the customer throng for 5 hours.
Jun 16, 2010
The best-selling incognito spray has now been reformulated to create one of the strongest anti-insect sprays on the planet! Indeed, this new formulation is as effective as the most deadly toxic insecticide, yet completely natural. Officially being launched at BBC Gardeners world LIVE at the NEC Birmingham on the 16th June 2010 and filmed by … Continue reading "New formulation incognito spray officially approved as the only anti-insect repellent which is clinically proven to protect against malaria"