The incognito Blog

May 12, 2010
The best treatment currently available for the treatment of malaria is Artemisinin-based combination therapy or (ACT). Up until last year ACT had been working very well and it was predicted that malaria would be eradicated in Thailand and Cambodia in the next decade. However, since last year, resistance to ACT has become increasingly common along the Thai Cambodia border. This is a matter of great concern as there is no other anti-malaria treatment in the pipeline and so, if full Artemisinin resistance occurs, then malaria will spread unhindered. Artemisinin is derived from the plant Artemisia annua and has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries to treat malaria. Artemisinin is derived from the plant Artemisia annua and has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries to treat malaria.
Jan 28, 2010
Are you one of those people that always gets bitten by a mosquito or maybe you are one of the lucky 20% who rarely receive a bite?  This article will explain why; drawing on the latest scientific research in an easy to digest format. With over 200 million insects for each and everyone of us, this is worth knowing…. Firstly, lets look at how a female (they are the only ones to bite – the males feed off nectar) mosquito locates a blood meal in the first place. All humans emit kairomones common ones include CO2 and lactic acid, around 48 have been identified so far.  It is thought that different species of mosquito prefer different kairomones, in the same way as some people prefer spicy and others don’t.  All of us have our own kairomone ‘signature” which is probably unique in the same way as a fingerprint.
Sep 29, 2009
With the increasing number of insect repellent patches on the market people frequently ask the question, “do they work”? My short retort is a resounding, NO!” Here you will get the facts as to why not. These thiamine patches must be applied 2 hours before exposure –this is not always practical when you don’t know mosquitoes are going to be at large. They also have to be ripped off the skin like a band aid. Some people swear by Patches usually containing Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) sometimes with other B vitamins along with other ingredients such as aloe vera in the case of Don’t Bug Me – you do get a hint of these products effectiveness by what is written on their label: “The other ingredient, Aloe, serves as an anti-inflammatory agent, minimizing the reaction in the event you do experience a bite.” These people who swear by Thiamine either in patch or tablet form are certainly not getting bitten, but this is because of other factors; one of these could be that they are so certain that they will not get a bite, they do not -the placebo effect. Some scientists believe that most of the people not getting bitten when they apply B1 patches or eat them, are already naturally repellent.
Sep 15, 2009
Arriving at our hotel in Ay, in France, I asked the ubiquitous question, “do you have mosquitoes here?” To which the receptionist replied, “no, there es no water for them to breed.” However in my experience this sort of reply usually means diddly sqat or not a lot –in India nearly all hotel staff will tell you there’s not a mosquito problem- its bad for business. So, l was unsurprised to find a specimen bloodsucker in our room the next day, which was promptly caught under a glass & left on the table as we were going out. Unfortunately the maid released the critter and I got a bite during the night. Its not worth sleeping under a net if there’s only one or two mosquitoes unless there is disease present like in India and Africa OR you suffer from a bad reaction –many people have died from secondary infections from insect bites.